Laurie Galan's Missionary Journey

Hi and welcome to my blogg! Here you will find new and exciting things about my life in the mission field as well as photos of the ministry God is doing through me. I pray that as you read these postings and look at the photos that God will touch your heart and bless you. If you would like to contribute to my work please go to IRMs web site at: May God Bless You! Laurie

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Location: Rahway, New Jersey, United States

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Hope for me after all!

Hi Everyone! I finally figured out how to add multiple pics on this blogg! Here are some new ones for you to take a look at.

The first is some of the children at Hope Village, Glory, Eadie, Solomon, and Rose.

Next is the Equip pick up being towed out of the yard. They used two boards and pushed it up into another truck to take it to the city (4 hrs away) for repairs!

Here is little Emmanuel and his dad. During the war Emmanuel was running from the fighting and he got thristy. he found a bucket that he thought had water in it and drank from it. It was actually castic soda! He has had to have several surgeries and lots of medical care, but thanks to Dr.s without borders, and the wonderful volunteers of Equip, Sarah and Jody, he is doing well today. He is now able to eat soft foods and is gaining weight.

Here are Logan and friend brushing the grass. There are no lawn mowers here and there is lots of grass! Logan is one of the boys I pay to keep the grass down.

Well, I think that is enough for one day. Will post again soon.

God Bless you all!


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