Laurie Galan's Missionary Journey

Hi and welcome to my blogg! Here you will find new and exciting things about my life in the mission field as well as photos of the ministry God is doing through me. I pray that as you read these postings and look at the photos that God will touch your heart and bless you. If you would like to contribute to my work please go to IRMs web site at: May God Bless You! Laurie

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Location: Rahway, New Jersey, United States

Friday, December 02, 2005

Us Embassy Visit

Recently 2 of my friends from the US Embassy came to Ganta for a visit. Bindi, the political officer, and Les, the medical officer, arrived by chopper (that's cheating) to take several tours.

While Les toured the local hospitals, Bindi and I went to Hope village to see the new recovery center and then on to some of the orphanages I have been working with.

We all had lunch at the BanBatt base and then Bindi, Les, Dr. Delwar, and I went on a tour of the Rehab.


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