Laurie Galan's Missionary Journey

Hi and welcome to my blogg! Here you will find new and exciting things about my life in the mission field as well as photos of the ministry God is doing through me. I pray that as you read these postings and look at the photos that God will touch your heart and bless you. If you would like to contribute to my work please go to IRMs web site at: May God Bless You! Laurie

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Location: Rahway, New Jersey, United States

Monday, September 12, 2005

A new week

Well yesterday started a new week here in Liberia. I spent the day in Monrovia first at church and then going to the Royal Hotel for buffet brunch with friends. I then hit the beach with a bunch of Jordanian peackeepers. We had a rousing game of water volleyball in the waves! Too much fun!

Today is Monday and I was back to work working on the adoption paperwork for some of the kids waiting to go to the states. Tomorrow I am going back to Ganta. I miss being home, I have been here in the city for 3 weeks. I am tired of waiting for the truck to arrive in the port, they are now saying it will be here on the 19th. Well, I will go home and try and get some work done in Ganta for the rest of this week and then I will come back down on the week end.

I have been trying to get ready for my trip to the US and am looking forward to seeing my grandkids again.

Here are some pics of our beach here in Monrovia. Enjoy!