Laurie Galan's Missionary Journey

Hi and welcome to my blogg! Here you will find new and exciting things about my life in the mission field as well as photos of the ministry God is doing through me. I pray that as you read these postings and look at the photos that God will touch your heart and bless you. If you would like to contribute to my work please go to IRMs web site at: May God Bless You! Laurie

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Location: Rahway, New Jersey, United States

Friday, December 02, 2005


Every once in awhile I have a few friends over for a BBQ. This one was in Nov just before I left to go home on leave.

Here I am hard at work on the grill making chicken.

My friends all enjoyed themselves in my yard. It was a great day for a BBQ.
Dr Muid found my hammock and discovered the joy of relaxing.

Here is my buddy Mark. He is from sierra Leone and works in the refugee camps in Guinea. We had just come in from church and both of us rushed to get changed for the BBQ.

Us Embassy Visit

Recently 2 of my friends from the US Embassy came to Ganta for a visit. Bindi, the political officer, and Les, the medical officer, arrived by chopper (that's cheating) to take several tours.

While Les toured the local hospitals, Bindi and I went to Hope village to see the new recovery center and then on to some of the orphanages I have been working with.

We all had lunch at the BanBatt base and then Bindi, Les, Dr. Delwar, and I went on a tour of the Rehab.

Irish at Rehab

I live at the TB and Leprosy rehab compound run by a group of Catholic sisters. They work so hard to help these people. I recently was able to arrange for the Irish soldiers to get some supplies for them. Here they are delivering beds, blankets, crutches, walkers and more.

Father Robert was a real blessing to us all. Here he is with Sisters Paula, Goudi, and Rita.

Sister Rita was kind enough to give the soldiers a tour of the rehab.


After the things were unloaded, and the tour finished, the lads chowed down on a feast that the Sisters had prepared.

Here is a group shot and one of my friend Father Robert and I. The unit has all gone back to Ireland now and a new one has taken it's place but I am happy to say that I have made a great friend in Father Robert and we keep in touch.

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak is the end of the Muslim celebration of Ramadan. The soldiers of BanBatt 7 were gracious enough to invite several of us to the base as they hosted the celebration this year.
There was a huge feast, the cooks out did themselves with wonderful curries, rice, and sweets.

Here are some of my Bangladeshi Friends.

Next to me is the base commander
Col. Kabir and behind him in blue is my "son"
Capt. Al Amin.
Here is Lt. Col Riaz. He is one of my closest friends.

Dr. Muid saved my life twice this year.

My friends Khan and Ali are from Fiji. They are in Liberia with UN CIVPOL.
The sisters from rehab where I live enjoyed the day as well as some other missionaries from the US who were visiting.

Group shots, there were so many cameras at one point that there must be about 50 copies of this shot!

There was time for conversation as well as the great food.

Here I am talking to Dr. Muid and Sister Rita, and here is Lt. Col. Riaz talking with my friend Betty and the sisters.

All in all it was a wonderful day!


The run off elections were held on Nov 8, 2005. I was in Ganta for the them and our school, Hope Academy was one of the poling places. Here are some shots from the campus.
1. Rachel our principal with two of the observers from the Carter Center.
2. Rachel stands in line to cast her vote.
3. Laykaye one of the teachers works as a polling officer.
4. Polling officer checks in a voter.
5. My foster daughter Musu works at a polling place. I am so proud of her.

The elections went off well though the turn out was not as good as the first election, it was fair and transparent.

The new president is Ellen Johnson-Serlief, the first woman to be elected president in any African nation!