Laurie Galan's Missionary Journey

Hi and welcome to my blogg! Here you will find new and exciting things about my life in the mission field as well as photos of the ministry God is doing through me. I pray that as you read these postings and look at the photos that God will touch your heart and bless you. If you would like to contribute to my work please go to IRMs web site at: May God Bless You! Laurie

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Location: Rahway, New Jersey, United States

Friday, February 10, 2006

On the road in Liberia

One of the joys of Liberia are the roads! Here is a pic of a day when we got a flat tire. My hand was in a splint due to a slight sprain and the Liberians with me had never changed a flat tire. So it was an opportunity for me to teach them something new! They did great and were so happy to learn a new skill!

Ever wonder how we get gas here in Liberia? Here is a pic of one of the gas stations in Ganta. Oh yea the gas is LD250 per gallon or about $4.50 US a gal.